Businesses don’t just grow on their own. They need to be out there for everyone to know that they exist. While traditional marketing tools continue to be successful, businesses...
There may be a spike in the number of people getting into real estate investing, but it’s not for everyone: A highly competitive space in the industry, real estate investing...
If you’re into flipping houses for the long haul, then know this: House flipping is not for the impatient. Every step of the process needs thorough consideration and you should...
Businesses don’t just run on advertisements and marketing. They are very important, of course, but what is more important is what your clients say about you. In the old world,...
Fixing and flipping homes is one of the most exciting parts of working in the real estate industry. But if you’re not careful in your every decision, it could end...
Business owners in the real estate industry or anywhere else, need to play multiple roles to keep things running smoothly - they need to be the boss, the marketing professional,...
All high stakes industries are plagued by myths that distort public perception about them. They get around faster than the truth - why, sometimes, they seem more believable than the...
If you’re a landlord, you know your days are more like a battlefield than a walk in the park: There are tenants calling in with maintenance requests; you’re following up...
There is a rental-demographic that’s feeling quite young and spry. And old age isn’t something they’d be thinking about for years. If you were thinking Millennials, then you’re wrong. It’s...
Almost exactly a year ago, a social experiment by, proved what we’ve always fantasized about: Robots doing human work and doing it better than us. The popular real estate...
There are multiple ways to describe the relationship between a landlord and their tenant: Love-Hate relationship; eternal tug-of-war; or, in some cases, hardly disguised contempt that is mutual. While most...
Thinking of buying your first ever home? Congratulations! But before you get carried away with dreams of the perfect home, take a moment to learn about the top mistakes a...